Low cost solution for charging of both NiCd and NiMh batteries
Here is the circuit diagram of a low cost universal charger for NiCD - NiMH batteries. This circuit is Ideal for car use. It has ability to transform a mains adapter in to a charger . This one can be used to charge cellular phone, toys, portables, video batteries, MP3 players, ... and has selectable charge current. An LED is located in circuit to indicate charging. Can be built on a general purpose PCB or a veroboard. I hope you really like it.
Picture of the circuit:
Circuit diagram:
A Low Cost Universal Battery Charger Circuit Diagram For NiCD and NiMH
A Low Cost Universal Charger Circuit Diagram
A Low Cost Universal Battery Charger Circuit Schematic For NiCD and NiMH
A Low Cost Universal Charger Circuit Schematic
Circuit diagram:
A Low Cost Universal Battery Charger Circuit Diagram For NiCD and NiMH
A Low Cost Universal Charger Circuit Diagram
R1 = 120R-0...5W
R2 = See Diagram
C1 = 220uF-35V
D1 = 1N4007
D2 = 3mm. LED
Q1 = BD135
J1 = DC Input Socket
* Ideal for in car use.
* LED charge indication.
* Selectable charge current.
* Charges Ni Cd or NiMH batteries.
* Transforms a mains adapter into a charger.
* Charge cellular phone, toys, portables, video batteries …
* LED function indication.
* Power supply polarity protected.
* Supply current: same as charge current.
* Supply voltage: from 6.5VDC to 21VDC (depending on used battery)
* Charge current (±20%): 50mA, 100mA, 200mA, 300mA, 400mA. (selectable)
Determining the supply voltage:
This table indicates the minimum and maximum voltages to supply the charger. See supply voltage selection chart below.
To charge a 6V battery a minimum supply voltage of 12V is needed, the maximum voltage is then 15V.
Voltage selection:
Voltage Selection Chart - Low Cost Universal Battery Charger Circuit Diagram For NiCD and NiMH
Voltage Selection Chart For Low Cost Universal Battery Charger
Determining the charge current:
Before building the circuit, you must determinate how much current will be used to charge the battery or battery pack. It is advisable to charge the battery with a current that is 10 times smaller then the battery capacity, and to charge it for about 15 hours. If you double the charge current , then you can charge the battery in half the time. Charge current selection chart is located in diagram.
A battery pack of 6V / 1000mAh can be charged with 100mA during 15 hours. If you want to charge faster, then a charge current of 200mA can be used for about 7 hours.
The higher charge current, the more critical the charge time must be checked. When faster charging is used, it is advisable to discharge the battery completely before charging. Using a charge current of 1/10 of the capacity will expand the lifetime of the battery. The charge time can easily be doubled without damaging the battery.
* Mount the transistor together with the heatsink on the PCB, bend the leads as necessary. Take care that the metal back of the transistor touches the heatsink. Check that the leads of the transistor do not touch the heatsink.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Low Cost Universal Battery Charger Schematic
About Me

- Electrical & Electronics Engineering projects
- I am an electrical and electronics engineering kathmandu university batch 2007
about: http://www.circuitdiagram.org/nicd-nimh-battery-charger-circuit.html the charging current chart should be resorted there as RX ↓descending↓ , Charging current ascending (is correct)
also the Q1 = BD135 (45V 1.5A 1.25W(12.5W) hFE(DC transfer ratio) 25x to 250x to above makes the suggested (see section ►Features:◄ ↑in article above↑) ±20% error extremely questionable !!!! the resistor value s for RX and 120Ω must be set up experimentally !!!)
LED depending on type may act as 1.6 up to 6 V zener
BJT (Q1) has listed CE voltage drop 0.5V at0.5A (the fig.2 on ON semi´s datasheet should be in daV deca-Volts e.g tens of volts)
200mA through 27Ω RX sets additional 5.4V tot C to Neg. Rail is 5.9V
Power dissipation 100mW on transistor 1W on 27Ω RX : the link recommends 250mW that just might be survive 200mA and set up additional temperature regulation . . . perhaps - perhaps it melts and we have ...
chk: 1.47V(charged Ni-MH) + 5.9V + 0.7V on 1N4001 =apx. 9V minimum supply voltage for 200mA loading or ... yes correct (5.5V or) 6V for 50mA chk-ends
. . . 9V - .7V - 1.47V =apx. 7V on series 120Ω and say 2.2V LED that'd cause 7-2.2=4.8V on 120Ω = 40mA on LED (some leds survive that while some may not)
the better constant current regulator would be
150Ω Base Resistor and 2N2222 B to (-CA)LED(AN+) to E of Q1 , C to B of Q1 , E to (-) Rail - 150Ω and RX must still be further revised to match/*enable your NPN´s speciffic parameters (hFE R.E.internal e.c.)/*selected loading current
otherwise it's a quite ... good charger (muhahaa)
enough revising that's it
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